Video Performance

On the video side of things, we see a relatively standard array of formats and bit-rates. For 1080p video, one can choose between 30 and 60 FPS for 20 and 38 Mbps baseline H.264, respectively. There's also 4K DCI and 4K UHD video recording, which are at 24 and 30 FPS respectively. In the case of 4K DCI (4096x2160) it seems that the bit rate is at 62 Mbps while 4K UHD (3840x2160) is at 60 Mbps. Like both 1080p formats, this seems to be also encoded in H.264 baseline instead of high profile, which is a bit strange. The 720p120 format ends up being encoded as a 30fps file for 1/4th time slow motion, and uses 14 Mbps H.264 baseline.

In the case of 1080p30, quality is relatively good although there continues to be a great deal of noise present throughout the video. There isn't any obvious macroblocking though. The EIS performance is definitely a bit disappointing, as there really isn't much in the way of compensation for hand-shake or other unintended motion.

Similar to the 1080p30 sample, it's clear that the quality of the encoded video is quite good with relatively few obvious artifacts. Unfortunately, the sensor is being pushed a bit far here as the amount of noise present is significant. In addition, EIS seems to be completely absent here as it's pretty much impossible to see what's happening unless I'm standing still. Overall, quality should be great but  the Galaxy Note 4 and other phones with OIS will be much better for video.

Still Image Performance Software: CM11S
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  • melgross - Wednesday, November 19, 2014 - link

    I know this may seem to be a very minor issue and nitpicking, but I would just like to comment that the thinness of the oleophobic coating, if there is one, would have no effect on the feel of the screen. You interact with the surface of the coating, not the thickness. It might lead to a shorter effective life for the coating, but not a difference in swiping feel.

    I bothers me, because this is something that a little bit of thought would have revealed as being illogical. And if writers write things that are illogical in one part of the article, where else will they do that where we won't notice it, and come to a wrong conclusion because of it?
  • cr0wb4r - Wednesday, November 19, 2014 - link

    I think two options in CM11S will make all the nit picks worthwhile: Profiles and double tap to wake.

    Having a Home and Work profile allows me to turn off/on lock screen. Huge

    Double tap to wake and see notifications and then double tap status bar area to go back to sleep. Again Huge.

    Just my 2 cents on the plethora of CM11S options
  • cr0wb4r - Wednesday, November 19, 2014 - link

    Sorry, forgot to mention that Profiles make it AUTOMATIC to turn on/off lock screen. I realize this is obvious to most...
  • phoenix_rizzen - Thursday, November 20, 2014 - link

    Profiles have been available in Android ROMs for at least a year now, if not longer. It's one of the first things I turn off when flashing an AOSP-based ROM on my phone.

    DT2W has been available in Android ROMs within a month or so of LG releasing their sources, as they were the first ones to enable it (works wonderfully with the LG G2 where the power button is on the back).

    IOW, neither of these features are exclusive to CM 11S, or even CM, or even just AOSP.
  • toyotabedzrock - Wednesday, November 19, 2014 - link

    I have read that the updated version of Chrome running on lollipop on the nexus 5 sees a rather large bump in the Octane benchmark.
  • Allan_Hundeboll - Wednesday, November 19, 2014 - link

    I was beginning to think this site would never review the OPO, much appreciated.
    Oneplus One has strong reception! (But lacks LTE 800Mhz band)
    And people should know that a 5.5" phablet is big, so how can the size be a problem?
    Maybe the author also think the iphone 6+ is just too big? Let customers decide what screen size he/she wants, please.
    Joshua Ho seem to forget this phone wasn't made for average joes! CM is all about customization so how can too many options be a problem? Please understand a lot of geeks chose android because we appreciate the almost endless possibilities and CM takes this further than google's stock android.
    So this phablet is perfect for XDA members NOT for someone like my mother.
  • mfmx - Thursday, November 20, 2014 - link

    Are you sure your mother wouldn't like it? My grandmother that is 96 years old thinks 5,5" is the perfect size for her. Also my mother that has a 5,3" phone doesn't want a smaller device.
  • Munna2002 - Friday, November 21, 2014 - link

    My mother and grand aunt also like the size of the OPO.
  • grayson_carr - Thursday, November 20, 2014 - link

    The display calibration results are perplexing to me. I know when the phone was first released, it was using a calibration profile created by then CyanogenMod employee François Simond (supercurio), who has also worked with Anandtech on reviews in the past. It didn't surprise me that the screen was very accurate then. But then a couple months ago, OnePlus released an update that did away with supercurio's calibration profile (and let supercurio go / didn't renew his contract) because too many people were complaining that the screen looked too yellow (warm), as 6500K often does to the untrained eye. The update shifted the white point drastically up to the 8000K range (super cold and blue looking) and presumably made colors less accurate. I sold the device a short time later due to annoying bugs, but now I'm confused by these results. What version of CM11S was this phone running as tested? Did you test an old version of the software or did they reinstate the proper calibration profile in a recent update? This review could mislead some people hoping for a properly calibrated screen if you did indeed test the One with the older software.
  • techcrazy - Thursday, November 20, 2014 - link

    Where is Sony Xperia Z3 and Z3 Compact review?

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