ROCCAT's Kone XTD and Kone Pure in Practice

The software for ROCCAT's Kone mice is almost frighteningly complete and even daunting to use, but how do the mice handle once configuration is done and you're ready to go? Do you even have to configure them to get mileage out of them in the first place?

As it turns out, not really. I found that the default settings for the mice were surprisingly good. The default sensitivity setting of 800 dpi is definitely sluggish, but the next step up at 1600 dpi is just about perfect. I'll never be a twitch gamer but it's nice to know there's an almost comedic amount of headroom beyond 1600 dpi. Users are liable to be confused by the back button being used for "Easy-Shift" instead, but that's a minor grievance.

In Productivity


As day to day mice, the Kone XTD and Kone Pure are both very comfortable and easy to use. While peripherals are undoubtedly very subjective, I found that the grips of both mice fit my hands securely, and that the buttons actuated with the right amount of force and in the right places. Contrast this with Thermaltake's Level 10 M, which for all its adjustability still demanded a larger paw and a different grip. I've heard other people absolutely enamored by the Level 10 M, by the way, so if you enjoyed the grip of that mouse the Kone may feel a bit small or may not suit your mousing style.

The slightly smaller body of the Kone Pure did prove to be a little problematic, though. While the overall grip feels slightly better due to the lack of glossy stripes, the the Pure is lower to the mouse pad, and I found my pinky routinely brushing the pad. I have fairly small hands to begin with, so I wonder if the Pure might not be just a touch too small for some users. The XTD, on the other hand, fit perfectly.

In Gaming

There isn't much to say as far as gaming is concerned. I fired up F3AR (which I still consider to be grossly underrated) for a test drive and found the default 1600 dpi sensitivity to be ever so slightly too high, but still well within the realm of playability and easy enough to adjust to. The reality is that with the way different games handle any mouse you're probably going to have to make some adjustments, though the spectrum isn't quite as wide as it used to be.

ROCCAT's Kone Software Conclusion: Fantastic Mice, But Expensive
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  • dishayu - Wednesday, February 27, 2013 - link

    Completely agree with the opening statement. My friends ask me why i keep buying "gaming" hardware even though i don't play games. I always have a hard time explaining that it's just a marketing gimmick for top quality peripherals. It has some truth to it, because the gaming usage scenario does require better feedback and precision which come with these high quality parts. My dad liked my deathadder so much that he decided to nick it for use in his office.
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  • nikolas04 - Wednesday, February 27, 2013 - link

    Hi very nice review , i would like to ask about linux compatibility , i have 2 computers , desktop & laptop with ubuntu and now that steam has one foot on linux i have started playing games from my library . I have a logitech g500 very nice with linux compatibility and i am very happy with it , what about roccat? can you change dpi with a button on the mouse? thanks in advance
  • tim_roccat - Wednesday, February 27, 2013 - link

    Check out the Roccat website. You will find a link to Linux drivers for almost every Roccat product
  • JeBarr - Wednesday, February 27, 2013 - link

    "...and I look forward to getting more of their hardware in for testing."

    Can't wait!

    I was looking at the Roccat surround headset recently but couldn't afford the gamble. Up to now I've been relying on the LTG Magnum with two pairs in the last six years. Was hoping to find something with a bit more punch and still haz muh Sauron eye on Roccat. The price is up there but if they're good quality I can overlook that.
  • Subyman - Wednesday, February 27, 2013 - link

    It's a hard sell when a g500 is $45 on amazon. I just retired an old Razer Diamondback after years of service for a G500. Great mouse for extremely cheap.
  • jigglywiggly - Wednesday, February 27, 2013 - link

    please test the sensors in these mice
    draw circles in paint
    get a turntable and measure the malfunction speed
    also test if they work on all mousepads

    try synthetics like aim400kg to see if you perform better on other mice vs different ones

    my friend buys one mice per sensor and he is very picky since he plays at 108cm/360

    we both get 73,600 on aim400kg

    although i use 28cm/360 ingame
  • lyeoh - Thursday, February 28, 2013 - link

    I suppose Capsule Review means not a full Anandtech review?

    Might consider including some of the following in a full review:
    e.g. max polling rate
    surface compatibility - wood, glass, laminates, black glossy surface, black matte, etc. Also state surface used for the benchmarks/tests.
    -latency - button and movement latency
    -mouse malfunction speed.
    -reproducibility in X, Y and both axis - e.g. set the OS mouse config to no acceleration then repeatedly move the mouse physically from point A to B and back to A again, how far is the mouse pointer on screen. repeat test at higher speeds and higher iterations.
    -does 5 cm horizontally move the mouse pointer the same distance as 5 cm vertically? Do physical circles end up being circles on screen or ovals or worse?
    -maximum lift height before motion stops being detected.
    -max/average lift/place jitter (how much the mouse pointer moves when lifting the mouse straight up and then placing it straight down - can test by locking the mouse down and moving the surface instead).
    -audibility - clicks etc (dB)
  • jigglywiggly - Wednesday, February 27, 2013 - link

    there is no reason to use the g500
    the sensor isn't that good
    g400 is better

    optical mice are better in general, the deathadder 4g has the best sensor in any mice, even better than the old one which is surprising. works better on different surfaces too

    i use the g9x though, sensor is bad, built in mouseaccel, and it doesn't track that smoothly.
    noticibly worse than my abyssus, which i used before it

    however, the grip on the g9x is too good. (I don't use the shell) and for my 28cm/360 it's not bad.

    k1llsen also uses the g9x
  • cigar3tte - Wednesday, February 27, 2013 - link

    G400 does not have the wheel tilt, nor the braided USB cable. Some of us to find those to be deal breakers vs the G500.

    I'm currently holding onto my G9 (not G9x). Found it to be the best among the many I've tried (G400, G500, G600, G700, Naga, Naga Epic).

    One thing I still want on a mice but never find, is for the two thumb buttons to be vertically laid out instead of horizontal.

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