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  • jjj - Tuesday, August 7, 2018 - link

    Do they use tricks like triggering the unlocking animation after capture but well before processing is done to make it feel faster?
    What matters is what the user perceives and it can be made to feel like there is practically 0 wait.
  • Valantar - Tuesday, August 7, 2018 - link

    A shame about the form factor for that new My Lockey (I'd rather see them change the name, frankly). That first-gen one is _perfect_ for sticking in the front I/O of a desktop PC. The 2nd gen one is simply asking you to break it, at least over time. "Hey, here's a USB stick where you're supposed to push on one side of its far end multiple times a day." That thing is going to break, and quickly.

    Also, I get that combining the fingerprint reader with a flash drive is convenient, but given the massive vulnerabilities in USB, it's also pretty dumb. Tying your main mode of authentication (including Windows admin access) to an easily-compromised USB storage device is ... not smart. Conversely, ditching an expensive finger print reader just because you needed to use the flash drive on a non-secure computer would be incredibly wasteful. And, of course, what's the point of a flash drive if you can only use it on one PC?
  • edzieba - Tuesday, August 7, 2018 - link

    Hence why they use TLS over the link between host and device. All the 'broken' USB security means is you cannot rely on the physical link being super-secret-ultra-secure-automatic-double-safe, which merely relegates it to being treated like Ethernet or any other external bus should be anyway.
  • chstamos - Tuesday, August 7, 2018 - link

    They should stick these things into mechanical keyboards, they'd be a perfect fit. So far as I know the only keyboard with a fingerprint reader is some designer piece overpriced Microsoft thingy... with chiclet low profile keys.

    How about REAL mechanical switch keyboards with fingerprint identification? I'd buy one even if it meant eschewing the xmas rgb-led light show on it...
  • close - Saturday, August 11, 2018 - link

    "a sensor-specific key (this key is important, more on that later)"

    Later in the article? Later in the year? o_O

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