FAST 2GB DDR Kits - Part 2

by Wesley Fink on 1/23/2006 12:05 AM EST
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  • DonPMitchell - Monday, March 6, 2006 - link

    I'm surprised there was no discussion of single-rank vs. dual-rank memory. For the Athlon, that's a big issue, becuase its memory controller may down-clock beyond 4 ranks of memory.
  • nyogen - Wednesday, February 15, 2006 - link

    I remember when Nvidia released their 6xxx series there was an all out boycott of paper launches.
    OCZ and Mushkin released not very long ago their 2GB dual channel high end kits namely:">">

    Apart from these parts not having been available, the new batch that carries only the name given by reviews are flagged by poor performance, different IC's from the original batch, and lots of glitches.
    I am sure Corsair and all the other manufacturers are doing the same, paper launch, hard launch cherry picked and then selling out to unsuspecting customers a COMPLETELY different product, backed by reputable reviews.
    Don't you feel like they have been using you and used your reputation and popularity in order to commit something very close to fraud ???
    If you encourage us to buy these products then you have the responsability to follow up on the products life and batches so that once they try to do this again you will be there to sanction this and PROTECT US. Otherwise your reviews become fairy tales and the only ones that have the reviewed products are you and a couple of people in the world.
  • Overlag - Monday, February 6, 2006 - link

    Crucial have infact stopped making there 1gig DDRI sticks due to the massive fail rate on there high end products.

    i have had 6x 512mb failures and 4x 1gig failures. While there customer services is the best of ANY online company ive dealt with, there high end products are really bad quality now.... the ram overheats, then after a few months wont run at 1t, then it starts making noises while you access it, before finaly degrading over a month from 2-2-2-6 settings down to 3-4-4-10 untill failing totaly.

    This includes chips (my latest two) which ive been using at 2.7volts ONLY, and with active cooling, yet they are still hotter than my X2 4400 at 4800 speeds...Last week they run fine at 2-2-2-7 1t, now they are at 3-3-3-8 2t :(

    ... Why there high end products have problems i dont know, there normal or value ram runs fine for YEARS and YEARS.

    Very disapointed with it all apart from the customer services. However even that has started to disapoint me, as they refused to RMA/refund me for my 2x 512mb pair...
  • leexgx - Monday, February 6, 2006 - link

    i had no problems getting my ram RMAed and replaced (2 days ago 2 day turn around UK) never had something replaced so fast before :)

    you can still buy it from here (UK tho)">

    on an other note it is an consern to me as well i have never used ram that can heat my room (needs active cooling) like others have posted it does run hot if not cooled i cant seem to get to 2-2-2-7 T1 my asus a8n-sli prem does an anoying thing by auto setting it to 4 5 5 12 {fail safe maybe?}(when i open A64 tweeker as it shows the info) then the nvidia Sound or nvidia video tray Icon crashs the system with an nice BSOD, (works fine tho at 3-3-3-7 T1 @ ddr500 2.7v or ddr speed lower but just run it at ddr400 ish now)

    an but realy any way good OCZ or just standered TwinMoss ram is realy real world 2-4% performance dif (Amd64 On chip ram contorler removes the bottle neck that was on the Older k7 chips i go for lower timeings over more bandwith)

    realy should have an look at DFI streets Forums on the matter of ddr1 Ocing (AMD overclocking)">

    (other note i think my ram was partly dead when i got it just put up with it untill me pc did not boot any more )
  • Overlag - Thursday, February 9, 2006 - link

    i wouldnt want to buy ballistix ever again... Once this set finaly gives up the ghost i will ask for a full refund and get some real memory.
  • XeCutor - Thursday, February 2, 2006 - link

    My first pair failed memtest at 250mhz, seemed stable at 247mhz. My second pair does 250mhz but not much more. Fails at 255mhz. All this is on a DFI Expert board with an opteron 165 3-4-4-8 1T timings at 2,6-2,8v. Voltage doesn't seem to matter att all to these sticks, they fail at the same speeds regardless for me.
  • bupkus - Wednesday, January 25, 2006 - link

    I went for the Twinx2048-3200c2pt because of the lower timings and $197 AMIR price. I haven't researched this much lately, but I recall PC3200 with tight timings getting the nod from the enthusiast community for the Athlon 64.
    The TWINX2048-4000PT that I faced it off to lists timings of 3-4-4-8 which I thought wasn't preferable to the tighter timings especially with a price of $233.
    The OCZ4002048ELDCPE-K is going for the same price of about $200 but the OCZ5001024EBPE only appears on newegg as a single 1GB module for $153.44 + $4.81 shipping.
    That's too rich for my blood.
    I guess the question for me would be which is the best for $200 +- $20?
  • Visual - Wednesday, January 25, 2006 - link

    Besides the TWINX kit, corsair offers single 1GB modules too - again marked as 4000PT
    The price for the kits for some reason seems higher than two separate modules.
    So my question is, are the separate modules the same thing as what's in the kits? Why don't you mention them at all, and either recommend them for better value over the overpriced kits, or, if they dont perform as well, warn users about them?
  • Googer - Tuesday, January 24, 2006 - link

    I would have liked to have seen four 512MB modules shown in the graphs as a refrence of how much or how little there is to gain by using these pairs of 1GB modules. By doing this I could form a cost/benefit analasys.
  • bersl2 - Monday, January 23, 2006 - link

    I'm going to wait to see if the price on DDR1 falls again before AMD goes DDR2. If it does, I'll get 2 x 1GiB to replace the 4 x 512MiB I bought over a year ago, but haven't been able to use until just now.
  • JarredWalton - Monday, January 23, 2006 - link

    I don't anticipate DDR1 prices changing much, and once AM2 comes out I expect prices to start climbing as DDR1 productions halts. DDR1 prices seem to have hit bottom about 6 months ago, and they're already starting to rise - at least on the budget parts.
  • Thor86 - Monday, January 23, 2006 - link

    Did I miss this in the review? If not, it would help if you told us what memory settings used in the DFI bios for these sticks reviewed.
  • Wesley Fink - Tuesday, January 24, 2006 - link

    I used the 7/06 BIOS, which is basically the Bigtoe BIOS. I have found this BIOS to be remarkably compatible with a wide range of memory. All memory settings were left at default except the 4 reported memory timings (CAS to TRAS) and memory voltage in testing all the memory. We did not do any special tweaking, which is another reason we reran tests with the 3 2GB kits tested earlier. You can definitely achieve better bandwidth and higher scores than we did by tweaking memory in the DFI BIOS.
  • keldog7 - Monday, January 23, 2006 - link

    I was surprised to find your review stating the Corsair 3500LL could only reach 492 MHz...especially when out of the box, I clocked mine to 500 MHz. This required no special tweaking of the other timings, other than what's listed below. Any careful research on this memory, using the many online reviews of it, show that the RAM runs fine (at slightly relaxed timings), well into 500Mhz territory, and beyond.
    In my case, I've got it on an A8N32SLI, at 2.7V, running 2.5-3-2-7 1T with a 1:1 divider at 250Mhz. In my case, this has been verfied to be Memtest86+ stable for at least 12 hours (last run was 90 hours...then I had to stop it to actually get some work done!)
    I wonder if the motherboard used in your review has biased your overclocking results?
  • Wesley Fink - Monday, January 23, 2006 - link

    According to my review notes, the Corsair 3500LL Pro cloked to almost 260 (DDR520) on Super Pi and Sandra memory tests, but the highest we could do with stability on 3D tests was 246 (DDR492). There is always varaition in memory results.

    Since you criticize my results as being too low for your memory and another reader criticized my results as being too high for his memory, it is likely my results are typical of the range of results readers might achieve. Some will do better than my results and some will do worse. Overclocking results do vary among memory samples.
  • wildstaroct - Monday, January 23, 2006 - link

    Unless Anandtech got really good batches of Infineon ICs, I don't buy the analysis. There have been numerous reports of 3D instability issues...I've experienced them myself with the Redlines. They are primex2 and memtest stable at fairly high speeds (270) but only 3D stable near spec (250ish).
  • entrecote - Friday, January 27, 2006 - link

    Neither do i buy it.

    I invested in a pair of the mentioned 2GB Mushkin Redline PC4000 memory. I´ve stubbornly been trying to tweak them on my DFI Lanparty + X2 Toledo processor for two months. This Redline kit of mine refuses to surpass 252MHz / DDR504. One module does 256MHz / DDR512, the other one does 252MHz / DDR504 regardless of timings. Trust me, I´ve tried all combinations of different drive strenghts, Trefs and so on. My case is not isolated, I have the same symptoms as the perhaps majority of 2x1GB Redline owners, "3D instability".

    My thoughts on the matter is that Mushkin was aware of this bad batch of theirs, possibly due to quality fluctuations of infineon modules. Then they quickly began to separate a few review samples for marketing puposes. I went through the same dissapointment one year ago when buying PC3200 Ballistixs after quickly reading through among other reviews anadtechs infamous "Ballistix cherry pick" DDR roundup.

    I put great trust in anandtech, please do me a favor in the future to only review retail samples of memory. Some of these mentioned brands purposefully send special samples to rewievers.

  • Wesley Fink - Monday, January 23, 2006 - link

    We reported what we found, and 3D tests are part of our benchmarking. The OCZ for example was Super Pi and memtest stable to 290, but 3D dropped the stability to 275 (DDR550) which we reported. The Redline went well over 300 on memtest and Super Pi, but 293 (DDR586) was our highest 3D stable.

    What memory controller revision are you using with the Infineons? Our tests are with a Rev. E, and we have seen lower performance on the older clawhammer memory controllers with the 1GB dimms.
  • wildstaroct - Monday, January 23, 2006 - link

    I have a rev E6 Opteron 170. Perhaps I just got an unlucky set of sticks, but the forums are loaded w/ people with similar issues, particularly around 3D.
  • Duonger - Monday, January 23, 2006 - link

    the mushkin parts have been back in stock for over a week now and is available (if not sold out already) on Newegg and on Mushkin`s Site.

    Wes- the ocz parts u compared. those are 2x512mb kits. why did u include it on this 2gig round up?
  • bigtoe36 - Tuesday, January 24, 2006 - link


    The parts are 2x1204, we don't supply single sided CE5 512 kits, infact no one does.
    For the record, 4000eb is 2048mb so 2x1024mb modules.
  • Wesley Fink - Monday, January 23, 2006 - link

    The OCZ we tested is definitely a 2GB kit. I changed the Corsair name in the review since they refer to 2GB kits as TwinX 2048. However I just double-checked their web site and OCZ uses the 1024 to describe the dimm size. In fairness they are officially a 2x1024 kit, so I will update the reference to hopefully clarify what we tested.

    The memory manufacturers all have pretty awful naming schemes for their memory, but OCZ is still one of the most confusing.
  • CCUABIDExORxDIE - Monday, January 23, 2006 - link

    how does crucial not get gold? honestly, go out and try to buy the EB 4000 or the Redline PC4000, you cant cause of Infenions horrible yeilds. so in your mindset, the gold winner should be the UCCC corsair stuff. also where is the Gskill pc4000 and the Mushkin pc4000?? There should have been more UCCC tested and less CE-6.

    just my opinion though.
  • Wesley Fink - Monday, January 23, 2006 - link

    You can not presently buy Crucial any where, and Crucial told us they would not likely have the product available again. Infineon has had problems with consistency since October, but all of the memory manufacturers here assured us the Infineon-based dimms were current products and supply would continue. Some even sent links on where you could buy the Infineon dimms.

    We asked manufacturers to submit their "best" 2GB kit. There was nothing to stop them from submitting both Infineon CE and Samsung UCCC for the roundup. As we found in the review Samsung UCCC is not as fast as Infineon at most speeds, but it does overclock just as well, and it's generally 30% to 40% cheaper. At present Samsung UCCC chips are easier to find, but manufacturers tell us recent Infineon is finally producing better yields - and chips are becoming available again.
  • CCUABIDExORxDIE - Monday, January 23, 2006 - link

    alright...what about this?"> aww a bit of misinformation? thats right
  • ozzimark - Monday, January 23, 2006 - link

    while we're mentioning misinformation.. it was stated that teamgroup can be had at newegg? atm, i'll have to disagree.

    second.. micron chips don't go to just crucial. i have a set of 2x1gb teamgroup in my hands that i need do a review on that use micron chips, and they easily hit 280mhz on a DFI that appears to be having serious VTT stability issues :P
  • Wesley Fink - Monday, January 23, 2006 - link

    We checked with Newegg and Team is not available there. We have removed that comment from the review and asked Team where buyers can buy their memory in the US. We'll post the info when we get an answer.
  • cool - Monday, January 23, 2006 - link

    On the "Test Configuration" page, I noticed that you're using the following nForce drivers: "NVIDIA nForce Platform Driver 6.86"
    When will they be released and do they solve the PATA/SATA and nvFirewall issues that are still plaguing nForce4 users?
  • Wesley Fink - Monday, January 23, 2006 - link

    I apologize for the typo. We used the latest release 6.70 on our DFI nF4 SLI. The latest release for AMD X16 is 6.82, and we listed a beta x16 driver rev we had on an x16 machine used for editing.

    The platform driver version has been corrected in the article.
  • PrinceGaz - Monday, January 23, 2006 - link

    Hopefully one day, the nVidia softtware team will pay some attention to its chipset drivers and get these issues with the PATA/SATA drivers, which in v6.70 still have issues on my nForce4 mobo, albeit not so badly as some earlier drivers, but are still unreliable enough for me to revert to the default Windows ones.

    As for the hardware firewall; I'm not even going to consider installing the drivers and software for that given the continued reports it has of causing serious problems. I'd rather let my dual-core processor do the work on one of its cores, which as I use Kerio Personal Firewall would hardly be noticed even in a multi-threaded app as it takes very little CPU time.

    Given the mess nVidia have made of the nForce chipset drivers, and how Microsoft recommend ATI graphics-cards for the Vista betas as their drivers are better; I really do wonder if nVidia who built a good reputation for themselves with rock-solid graphics-card drivers a few years ago have lost the plot. I bought an nForce4 mobo and 6800GT last year, but am increasingly thinking an ATI graphics-card would have been a better choice, and if similarly feature-rich mobos with other chipsets were available then, that any of ATI, VIA, SiS would have been a better choice than nVidia.

    It's sites like this that have over-hyped nVidia mobos since the nForce2 on performance alone that I'm sure contributed to their dominance, and the sorry state of afares we are in with their chipset drivers as there is little competition and can afford to give it low priority.
  • PrinceGaz - Monday, January 23, 2006 - link

    "... 2GB also makes sense for the OS future. With Vista coming and 2GB, the new memory recommendation for the new OS, you will be set for Vista."

    I was under the impression that the minimum is expected to be 512MB, and that 1GB will be recommended for good responsiveness under normal use. Having said that, I would personally choose 2GB for any new system as pairs of 1GB DDR (and of course DDR2) modules are now readily available and competitively priced. Unfortunately most big-name OEM systems are still shipping with either 512MB, or if you're lucky 1GB.
  • bigtoe36 - Monday, January 23, 2006 - link

    Being honest we have had some supply issues, and some issues regarding supply that are out of our control. We do have stock and will have more real soon.

  • bigtoe36 - Monday, January 23, 2006 - link

    This was to counter any moans about availability before they were posted.
  • emilyek - Monday, January 23, 2006 - link

    You guys tested the worst GSKILL kit.

    Their pc4000 2 gig kit (speed-binned version of that kit) is the same price as the 2-3-2-5 chip ($200) and will do DDR580

    Their $250 kit 2-3-2-5 would contend with the Mushkin and the Crucial at a much lower cost.
  • Wesley Fink - Monday, January 23, 2006 - link

    The Silver Editors Choice Corsair 4000PT, and the OCZ PC4000 Gold and PC4000GX XTC, also based on UCCC chips, are all in the $205 to $230 price range for the 2GB kit from e-tailers. So $250 for a UCCC kit seems in line but hardly a bargain.

    As for testing the worst G. Skill, we asked all the memory manufacturers to supply their "best" 2GB kit for our roundup. The manufacturers decided what to supply, and we expect Enthusiast memory makers to know what is best in their line.
  • irev210 - Monday, January 23, 2006 - link

    The crucial memory is amazing memory.

    I was able to get it stable at 3-3-3-8 @ 300mhz, but you really need to spend some time on the settings, it is VERY picky memory. Both tras and drive strength play huge factory in memory stability.

    Yes, it is suspected that due to really high RMA they discontinued, however what anandtech doesnt report is what actually happens to the memory.

    Even at 2.8vcore or less PLUS active cooling, 1 2 or 3 months down the line your memory will just start dying.

    Thinks like memtest86 will check out fine, but then while gaming, your rig will just lock up. Random bluescreens, random lockups...

    There is a big story to these ballistix, it is too bad they simply have a HUGE rate of failure. Do a ddr2 roundup, then you will see how many people use micron fatbodies for their high performance ddr2 memory. You dont see that with the high density memory, and obviously i suspect due to stability issues.

    My advice for memory is the g.skill F1-4000USU2-2GBHZ based on samsung ram, it has been doing well, and g.skill has awesome customer service.

    I personally am going to wait for ddr2 before going with 1gb sticks, then ballistix 2gb set is on my list. But that is just me.
  • Bull Dog - Monday, January 23, 2006 - link

    I'm another Ballistix memory user here. I ran mine at 2.75v the whole time and they just died after a while. Screw you Crucial/Micron. I will NEVER buy your products AGAIN. (I don't care if they have zero problems eitehr.
  • gooser - Monday, January 23, 2006 - link

    Now what about the tracers?? I just purchased the 2 GB tracers last week knowing about the issues with the regular ballistix after a couple of months. I have read that the tracers use a higher quality power modulator, thus dont have the same problem. Anyone?
  • lopri - Monday, January 23, 2006 - link

    Lots of work and outstanding comments. Thanks. This review, along with the Part I, is significant in that it puts an end to the 1GB system memory standard. It's declaring that an *era* of 2GB system memory is finally here.

    However, with these super high-clocking 1G sticks (512MB sticks also for that matter), there is one *realer* question that's haunting my mind. With the current crop of DDR memory reaching speed of DDR550~DDR600, one has to wonder - What's the good if CPUs can't handle the speed of memory?

    Yes, I'm questioning the capability of A64/Opteron's memory controller. Because even the best current AMD CPUs often fail to keep up with the speed of memory. You've got a PC4800 DDR memory? Good luck, pray your CPU can run it at that speed. This issue is, at least for me, very real. I just don't see the point of high-clocking memory when the truth is CPUs' memory controllers are the limit. (And to some extent motherboards, of course)

    In the light of this, would it be possible for you to test the quality of each revision of AMD CPUs' memory controllers? Preferably with recent cores - namely, Venice, San Diego, Toledo, Manchester and their Opteron equivalents. The more detailed, the better. Rev E3, E6, E4, and even the steppings.

    While reading this excellent review, I couldn't shake the issue of memory controller off my head. These days a stick of RAM seems only as good as the CPU's memory controller it relies on. Unless one is just happy to see her/his RAM passing memtest @DDR600 all day long.

    Again, thanks for your hard work on this review, Wesley. However, I'd really like to hear from you about the issue that I'm bringing here. I'd much appreciate it.

  • dlerious - Monday, January 23, 2006 - link

    If my CPU can't keep up with my RAM, I just drop the multiplier (and/or divider) down until I find the point where both run as high as possible at the voltage and temps I'm comfortable with.

  • Beenthere - Monday, January 23, 2006 - link

    Crucial use to be a pretty good memory supplier at one time and I've bought plenty of their products. There seems to have been a philosophical change at Crucial a number of years ago and I stopped buying and recommending their products after a major hassle over one failed DIMM out of the many we had purchased. Seems like their submission of a discontinued product to this 1 Gb review is another example of mis-management and manipulation of the media...

    In regards to 1 Gig. DIMMS vs. 512 Mb it seems to me relatively few people really need these DIMMS. If you are a serious gamer playing the latest game versions, sure you'll see some small performance improvement for a PRICE. And that is the point really - what do you get in tangible system performance gain and is it of enough emotional value to you to pay the premium price. Obviously for some it is as they will pay $1000 for a CPU, $700 x 2 for 7800 GTX 512 Vid cards, etc. I doubt however that most PC enthusiasts can really justify those prices nor the price premium for 1 Gb DIMMS based on system performance gains.

    And along those lines... how often do PC enthusiasts and / or gamers replace their entire PC hardware??? If for instance you are building a new PC now because the Opti 165 / X2 3800+ are a sweet deal, would you really be in the market for a new AMD AM2 system in a 4-6 months when they are readily available??? I doubt many folks replace their hardware that often but I could be wrong. If it is true then I wonder where all the good hardware ends up after it's used for a couple months and then trashed for the latest trick-of-the-week hardware???
  • xsilver - Monday, January 23, 2006 - link

    its called ebay - or as some say "egay" :p

    or I think option 2 is the not so rich friends who suck up a lot

    option 3 is "damn, I overvolted the cpu to attain max overclock and the damn thing fried itself -- oh well, just buy another fx-60"

    note that option 3 people probably fuel the reason for why manufacturers think they can charge us $500+ for a gfx card and $1000+ for a cpu
  • JarredWalton - Monday, January 23, 2006 - link

    Worth note - and not shown in the benches here - is that 2GB of RAM can have a massive impact on load times for some of the latest games. It is also incredibly useful when you're editing a bunch of images in Photoshop. The difference in level load times on BF2 is amazing, even when comparing 4x512MB 2T to 2x512MB 1T.

    BF2 is something of an exception right now, but over the next year I expect more and more games to push the memory requirements beyond 1GB. FEAR is another reasonable example, though not quite as pronounced as BF2. Some of the MMORPGs also get a lot of use from 2GB.

    Personally, I won't be buying 512MB DIMMs anymore, but I still use them in systems I build for other people.
  • johnford64 - Monday, January 23, 2006 - link

    Why is the OCZ PC4000 XTC and Normal Gold not covered in either article??? The Platnium EB's are too much money, and i would like a good read and comparison on the XTC/Golds. As a side note, Crucial stopped making their 2GB DDR1 kit, so they couldnt replace my dead det, which is why i got the OCZ's
  • bigtoe36 - Monday, January 23, 2006 - link

    XTC and golds do feature the same IC, OCZ are moving to replace all old heatspreaders with XTC so you will see some older stock using the old spreader in stores.

    So apples to apples they should clock near the same but the XTC moduls running a little cooler.
  • johnford64 - Friday, January 27, 2006 - link

    But my question is why neither XTC or Gold kits have been reviewed here, if there have please let me know where
  • Miggle - Monday, January 23, 2006 - link

    not much difference (in RTCW at least) between 400mhz and 533 (must be the timings). Good review tho.

    Now, i'm looking for a link that shows how mem timings impact A64 (2-2-2-6 vs 2.5-3-3-7). Hope someone could give me one.

    still, me thinks that fast mem = costs too much and not that worth-it. I just bought geil value ram that does 2.5-3-3-6 @ 200mhz and quite happy /w it (on AXP still tho).
  • android1st - Monday, January 23, 2006 - link

    I was just trying to decide about my next system whether I should wait for DDR2 or increase the memory on my old system. I think I'm going to wait for DDR2, hopefully AMD will roll out 65nm around the same time as the new socket. And prices will be reasonable and availability will be high. Guess we'll wait and see...
  • Nocturnal - Monday, January 23, 2006 - link

    Crucial recently pulled their Ballistix 2GB kits due to unforseen circumstances. Everyone at XS is speculating that all of the RMAs that have been going on is culprit.
  • johnford64 - Friday, January 27, 2006 - link

    That happened to me, 2 dead kits. They tried to offer me 2GB of PC3200. Like hell i am taking $150 ram in place of my $400 USD ram.
  • WouT - Wednesday, January 25, 2006 - link

    I can confirm:

    It would be a good idea to mention this in the article as readers should be informed that this memory is not in production and cannot be replaced by the same part anymore.

    Welcome to Crucial Technology's Expert Online. An Expert Online agent will join you in a moment... Please do not begin typing until you have been connected to an agent.
    Hello, my name is Patrick . How may I help you?
    Ewoud Venmans: I am looking for the fastest available 2GB kit for my ASUS A8R-MVP motherboard
    Patrick : One moment, please, while I review your inquiry.
    The agent is sending you to">
    Patrick : The link provided will take you to a list of memory upgrades that are guaranteed to be compatible, or your money back (shipping not included).

    Is there anything else I can help you with?
    Ewoud Venmans: Ok, but the speeds are only up to PC3200. I am looking for PC4000.
    Ewoud Venmans: Newegg does sell them, but I cannot find these on your site.
    Ewoud Venmans: They should work as well, won't they?
    Patrick : The parts at the top of the list are PC4000.
    Ewoud Venmans: Sorry I only see PC3200 and PC2700 in the list?
    Patrick : Yes, you are right. We don't have the PC400 anymore.
    Ewoud Venmans: And if I click on performance memory I can only see PC4000 1Gb kits, not the 2Gb kits.
    Ewoud Venmans: Ahhh, so if I order those at newegg, I will still have your lifetime guarantee?
    Patrick : If you order that product at New Egg, after 30 days you will not be able to get that product, however we will replace with a product like PC3200 or give you a In Store Credit.
    Ewoud Venmans: Hmm, so you stopped producing these and won't introduce PC4000 1GB modules anymore?
    Patrick : Not in DDR. We will in DDR2.
    Ewoud Venmans: Ok, thank you Patrick! You have answered all what I wanted to know.
    Patrick : You're welcome. Thank you for visiting, and have a great day.

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