
by Anand Lal Shimpi on 2/24/2004 12:08 PM EST
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  • Anonymous - Friday, February 27, 2004 - link

    "damn these GPUs are powerful" and they come from? Ati? Nvidia? Is this going to be a "damn I wont know until april/may thing"? Well anyway thx for letting us know.
  • Michael2k - Wednesday, February 25, 2004 - link

    Haha, Anand, you need to benchmark Expose/Quartz Extreme!

    See if there's any difference with an AGP 8x, 4x, and 2x if you can keep everything else constant!
  • Xenon14 - Wednesday, February 25, 2004 - link

    I couldn't hold out any longer. This winter I went from 7200 to 9600 pro (IT BROKE!), just got a 9700Pro.
  • RW - Wednesday, February 25, 2004 - link

    the current theory on why the G5 tower speed update has not been released is that there is some big video card update comeing, and Apple wanted to do another "Kick-Ass New Video Card First on the Mac" announcement.
  • GamrGrrl - Wednesday, February 25, 2004 - link

    Sounds suspiciously like what you told us about NV30 :)
  • GTaudiophile - Wednesday, February 25, 2004 - link

    Are you referring to NV40 or R420 or both?!?

    Will one card have an edge over the other, or will consumers just have to go with which ever brand they are more loyal to?
  • Anonymous - Tuesday, February 24, 2004 - link

    But Anand always stated wait for the $500 cards to drop.
  • UlricT - Tuesday, February 24, 2004 - link

    #11... looks like May '04 from SiS, and Q2 '04 from VIA.
    and here:
  • mike - Tuesday, February 24, 2004 - link

    so i'm guessing anand got his hands on a R420, since there are already finished cards that have been in use (i.e. IDF and other shows) and they really kick ass. heck maybe they're even 3x faster then the 9800 pro like some article/site said.
  • EngenZerO - Tuesday, February 24, 2004 - link

    and I was going to order my new pc in two weeks...bleh, I must now wait.
  • Steve - Tuesday, February 24, 2004 - link

    I have a GeForce4 Ti 4400, I got it when it was the most powerful GPU in the market.

    When the R9700 came out all my friends made a mad dash to buy one, but I stood my ground. At LAN parties I took a little flack but I knew my $230 card would remain high end for a good while.

    Now when NV35 showed up I was tempted, the XT model is a bargain to be had but I figured waiting for R420/NV40 would yield a justifiable upgrade.

    So Anand NV25 to NV40, how much of a worthwhile upgrade?
  • HammerFan - Tuesday, February 24, 2004 - link

    #11, I would assume around the same time that Intel's solutions come out
  • Anonymous - Tuesday, February 24, 2004 - link

    Slightly off topic, anyone knwo when we'll be seeing PCI-Express chipsets for A64?
  • UlricT - Tuesday, February 24, 2004 - link

    ... it's a "damn these GPUs are powerful" thing.

    me likey :D. Sounds like all us hardware buffs are in for a treat this year with so much technology coming out, and some of them performing well to boot!
  • anand lal shimpi - Tuesday, February 24, 2004 - link

    We're finally getting the cards that are made to run Doom3 and HL2. It's not a PCI Express thing, it's a "damn these GPUs are powerful" thing.

    And the blog header was in its normal orange color, it's a PC targeted post :) Mac stuff in blue.

    Take care,
  • Scot Walker - Tuesday, February 24, 2004 - link

    We haven't even started using the bandwidth of 8X AGP, as the benchmarks between 4X and 8X show us.

    PCI Express is definitely coming, but there is no reason to hold off on buying an 8X AGP video card because PCI Express won't give you anything today since we aren't using the bandwidth of 8X AGP yet, and both ATI and nVidia have stated that they plan to support AGP for some time.

    And I'm curious if this comment from Anand applies only to G5 owners, since that's what he's on right now, all computer users, or just PC users.

    I hate teases! :)
  • Anonymous - Tuesday, February 24, 2004 - link

    I think Anand got to play with R420 or NV40 over the weekend and apparently they will be more economical at $400 when they come out than 9800xt or gf5950 (either that or they will seriously drive the prices of the old cards down, but I think that would be obvious enough for him to say without breaking any NDA, whereas the former would get him in trouble).

    I think AGP users should wait since AGP will still be supported on the highest end for another year, at least.
  • Anonymous - Tuesday, February 24, 2004 - link

    bAh... stoopid refresh :(
  • UlricT - Tuesday, February 24, 2004 - link

    #3 you got it confused there. PCI-X (PCI-Xtended?) is an extension of the current PCI interface, allowing for faster speeds.

    PCI-E (PCI Express) on the other hand, is a new standard whihc uses serial interconnects at a very fast speed, and is intended to replace the PCI standard (just as PCI replaced ISA). The fun thing about PCI-E is that you have it at 1x, 4x, 16x (32x in the future) etc. for more bandwidth. Grafics cards will be using the PCI-E 16x port for the most bandwidth available...
  • UlricT - Tuesday, February 24, 2004 - link

    #3 you got it confused there. PCI-X (PCI-Xtended?) is an extension of the current PCI interface, allowing for faster speeds.

    PCI-E (PCI Express) on the other hand, is a new standard whihc uses serial interconnects at a very fast speed, and is intended to replace the PCI standard (just as PCI replaced ISA). The fun thing about PCI-E is that you have it at 1x, 4x, 16x (32x in the future) etc. for more bandwidth. Grafics cards will be using the PCI-E 16x port for the most bandwidth available...
  • SeraphsSati - Tuesday, February 24, 2004 - link

    I think what Anand meant was to refrain from purchasing a new system. Because the new motherboards are coming soon with PCI-X.

    Also, the revision GPUs coming out soon for PCI-X are called PCI-E, whats the difference?
  • UlricT - Tuesday, February 24, 2004 - link

    dude! THIS sounds interesting... does this recommendation have anything to do with the new PCI-E standard, or should people with AGP wait as well??? me all anxious to know :(
  • Anonymous - Tuesday, February 24, 2004 - link

    what a tease!

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