The timing was a bit off

by Anand Lal Shimpi on 7/22/2005 8:57 AM EST
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  • Anonymous - Sunday, July 24, 2005 - link

    ive been one since my ti4400 ;)
  • Jalf - Sunday, July 24, 2005 - link

    #12 Oh yay, now we can all become NVIdia fanboys instead of ATI fanboys... Who cares?
  • anonymous - Saturday, July 23, 2005 - link

    #11 "but it's the benefits[for]of being, a home user that boggles the mind"

    I think there are many applications that the i-ram, ramdisk, would be useful for.
    some examples: - video editing, Uncompressed video is huge and the hard drive transfer rate is a bottleneck when moving\editing these files.
    - fast loading OS-windows xp
    - super quiet computer because hard drives make some noise, important data could be backed up on a USB flash stick or compact flash
    - load your current favorite game so loading is much faster and game-play is smoother (Half-life 2 stops during levels to load data, this is annoying and no fun waiting)
    HL2 is more than 4 GB's so 2 ramdisks would need to be in raid 0, unless you can connect them directly \ daisy-chained

    If i-ram is compatible with registered,ECC memory you could use much larger DIMMS 2GB,4GB but they are expensive. Maybe prices will drop soon with demand for ramdisks.
    I want this product and hope it works well.
  • Daniel - Saturday, July 23, 2005 - link

    Hate to say it ATI fanboys - but told ya so.
    If you look at the performance increase with doom3 at 1600x1200 with 4xaa (a likely setting for doom3 on crossfire) the performance increase in the preview (with technology developed monthys later then the original computex) is 70.6%, from 40.5 to 69.1 fps. Look at the original anand "performance test" with the driver dropping odd frames that you all swore was just an example of crossfire performance. It magically saw an 86.4% increase, from 36.9 to 68.8 fps. see now how the driver was a lie? thats a 22.3% lie in how much performance would be gained (thats an entire fifth). im glad this has been exposed.
  • Heron Kusanagi - Saturday, July 23, 2005 - link

    I seriously will wonder what can the i-RAM offer the home user, though. I can think of some situations in which the coporate user will have benefits, but it's the benefits of being a home user that boggles the mind. For me, anyway.

    I hope someone can enlighten me on how the AA modes on ATI's CF can match nVidia's SLI. Or even better, Anand, please write an article on different AA modes...
  • Mark - Saturday, July 23, 2005 - link

    #8, thanks for telling me the trade-offs. I'm obviously not smart enough to know this myself.

    However, you are completely wrong to say that you won't be able to install much at all. Most people would put 4 1 gig modules on it. This is actually cheaper than high capacity hard drives used to cost. With 4 gigs, you could install XP, microsoft office, the full adobe suite, and still have space left over. This is a lot more than a *FEW* modern applications. In fact, it is likely all that most people use frequently.

    What you could not install on it is a lot of games.

    Of course, you would still have a hard disk in the system to store other info such as critical data, games and dvds. You would also have an image of the i-ram on the hard disk so you could quickly restore it if you should lose total power for many hours (not that this has ever happened to me). You wouldn't even need to update the i-ram image on the hard disk regularly once you have finished installing the applications you use.
  • blah - Saturday, July 23, 2005 - link

    sorry Anand as this may be a little off topic, but if you could be so kind. Is increasing ILP or IPC better than going multicore. If i understand correctly it is not easy to increase ILP or IPC so therefore the alternative was to go multi-core if i remember ILP stands for information level parallelism but i don't remember IPC hopefully you remember all of this stuff so i don't have to worry about it. but if you could be so kind, thanks Anand.
  • SV - Friday, July 22, 2005 - link

    #6, the trade-off there is that you'd have to actually install things on volatile memory (the problem with that is obvious). The arguably more significant trade-off is that you really won't be able to install much at all, and you'd have to pay through the ass to get enough space to install the OS plus a few (FEW) modern applications.
  • OzzFan - Friday, July 22, 2005 - link

    Concerning CrossFire and SLI - I understand the whole point for the companies seems to be to sell more cards and get roughly double the performance, but wouldn't it make more economical sense to, say, build a larger PCB with two graphics processors, double the RAM, add in the PPU (Physics Processing Unit) capabilities and voila! have double the power with less hassles of configuration issues?

    I can't see a need for small graphics cards (especially the target demographic these setups are going after), and most users have plenty of space in their systems. I just think these companies could do better with their R&D by coming up with better cards without resorting to complicated dual-card setups. I would think the ROI would be much higher with a single card that's twice as powerful instead of two cards sharing the power.

    As for i-RAM, it's concept sounds interesting and I can see some uses for it. I'll just have to wait for the full reviews to see if it will be beneficial to me in theory. Although it sounds like having a better disk cache would be the more intelligent thing to come up with - after all, that's the point of a disk cache in the first place, to speed up system performance. I'll just have to wait and see.
  • Mark - Friday, July 22, 2005 - link

    #4, it is a speed thing. With the os and major applications on the i-ram, loading up programs will be much faster. Disk caching doesn't help the speed the first time you start up a program since having rebooted the computer. However, it is also clear that disk caching doesn't work as well as you would like.

    Consider this. Reboot your computer and then start up Word (or even more Adobe Illustrator). Takes a while. Shut the app down, and then load it up again. Sure it is faster as some of the program is in the disk cache, but you still hear the hard drive grinding away and it isn't anywhere near instantaneous. This is presumably because the os still checks the hard disk to make sure that the application is the same. Hopefully the i-ram will get rid of this problem as the app itself will now be in ram.
  • andrew - Friday, July 22, 2005 - link

    the i-ram has a battery on it so that even when you turn off your computer, it can store the data, albeit only for something like 12 or 24 hours
    for many people this wont be a problem since they leave their computers on all the time

    of course in the event of a power outage that might last a while or if your only computer dies, it would suck to lose the information

    it would need some fail-safe where if all of the above goes wrong, it can somehow dump its contents to a hard drive but without power, this would be tough :x
  • SV - Friday, July 22, 2005 - link

    The best advice I (or anyone) can offer you wrt NJ: Don't leave the car.

    A thought on i-Ram: why not just spend all that money on system memory and get a huge disk cache PLUS the ability to run crazy, crazy things? I don't see how an ultrafast temporary hard disk is that different from disk cache (except for the fact that it uses a PCI slot). Or is it an ease of use thing?
  • Carlos - Friday, July 22, 2005 - link

    You really know how to leave ppl drooling... I'm very curious about that GB i-Ram.

    Having 2Gb Ram, 4 HDs in raid 0 + other set of 2 HD in Raid 0 for "temp" stuff, disabled virtual memory, and I still complain about all those "mysterious" HD accesses XP does every so often while idling...

    1 or 2 Gb on i Ram for all temporary internet files, and temp extraction of zips/rars, should prove more than enough and do a good job at it.
    But I'll wait for your review... post it quickly plz! ;)
  • Killaz - Friday, July 22, 2005 - link

    Be sure to hit a Jersey diner sometime this weekend, and try not to get stuck in traffic ;-)
  • Heron - Friday, July 22, 2005 - link

    Cool enough, Anand. Say, could you give us a little hint on AMD's newest entry level dual core? I am really interested in that. Overclocking potential, plus a R520 Crossfire will be very nice. I hope...

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