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  • Beenthere - Wednesday, September 14, 2011 - link

    Not ready for Prime Time seems to be the standard for SSD suppliers these days. Sell now, repair later. We'll see how this roll out goes.
  • danjw - Wednesday, September 14, 2011 - link

    Hmm, Intel SSDs have been the best, but the last generation did have a bit of an issue, I think. Mostly, Intel has provided the most stable, reliable SSDs. So lumping them in with OCZ isn't really fair.
  • Obsoleet - Wednesday, September 14, 2011 - link

    No issues with my G2s (160GB & 40GB), both purchased years ago. I have sympathy for those who bought OCZ (I've had 3 of those, Vertexes ect) or who have been waiting ages to get in on these. I've had the best experience with the G2s and would gladly buy (Intel-based controller) Intel drives again.
  • Makaveli - Wednesday, September 14, 2011 - link

    +++ Agree with you 100%

    My 160GB G2 which is only at 2 tb's of writes after 2 years of use has been rock solid. And if I had to buy another one today I may just be another G2 until I see a better track record with the firmware on the 320 series.

    I would never touch an OCZ drive was never that big of a fan of sandforce. And wasn't one of those kids that wet his pants when the vertex 3 high benchmark numbers.

    Stability is king for a storage drive and intel still holds that crown!
  • martajd - Thursday, September 15, 2011 - link

    Stability is king for MOST storage, not all.

    I've been running a Vertex as my OS + Games drive with all my important data backed up on 2 regular ol' spinning disk HDDs. Why should I pay extra for stability when it's only for easily reinstallable games and OS?

    I'd never use a Vertex in an enterprise situation though, wouldn't even consider touching the stuff
  • gramboh - Wednesday, September 14, 2011 - link

    Been waiting to get an SSD for a while now, was thinking Intel 510 as I was put off by the SF issues with OCZ and others, Cherryville looks like it might be the ticket, hopefully some specs/benchmarks are released soon.
  • Inspector2211 - Wednesday, September 14, 2011 - link

    Any news about that?
    Release date?

    What is known, so far, that it will be available in a 400G and a 200G size and will be based on SLC Flash.

    Using SLC Flash is important for enterprise customers, because, as the saying goes, "nobody ever has been fired for buying SLC SSDs". It's also inherently faster than MLC.
  • Movieman420 - Thursday, September 15, 2011 - link

    and it'll be launched as soon as intel fixes their platform(s) to work with SF2000 controllers aka Ocz's bsod error. Now that Intel is ready to sell SF, they'll 'suddenly' have it convenient.
  • semo - Thursday, September 15, 2011 - link

    I have never rooted for the monopolistic behemoth before, but I sure hope Intel knocks out OCZ for good this time. OCZ were taught a lesson when they were peddling that Core crap but it became obvious they didn't learn from their mistakes after the 25nm Vertex 2 transition fiasco and SF BSODs.
  • CountDown_0 - Thursday, September 15, 2011 - link

    Anand, you wrote that Hawley Creek will use 25 nm MLC NAND, but the slide clearly indicates it will be SLC. Which is the correct one? Normally it would be the slide (I sure hope somebody actually checked it), but on the other hand I'm not sure SLC makes sense in this case. Any thoughts on this?
  • AbRASiON - Friday, September 16, 2011 - link

    I hope these intel ones kick ass, Sanforce and OCZ need to learn about quality control.
    TRIM slowdown issues is one thing, BSODS are another.
    Now I need to fight for a refund from Aussie retailers (not easy)

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